For us to successfully begin as an orchestra, the Zurich Film Orchestra ZFO depends among others on passive members and patrons.
You are also welcome to make a one-off donation.
Passive Membership

50.- per year
Patron Membership

150.- per year
As a passive member and patron, you support our orchestra life. You will receive regular information about our activities and future concerts.
We look forward to inviting you as a sponsor to one of our concerts once a year.
Please register HERE.
The Zurich Film Orchestra and its musicians thank you for your donation. The first concerst are planned for 2021/2022.
Bank details
Zürcher Filmorchester ZFO, 8309 Nürensdorf
Postkonto: 15-495675-0
IBAN: CH3909000000154956750
Feel free to contact us